This gorgeous 1985 GMC truck is one of my favorite projects that we’ve had in the shop. We made a life long friend in Meredith when she brought it in. She had been searching for a four wheel drive truck when she came across this two wheel drive one. It was so nicely restored that she just had to have it, and figured that she could just have it upgraded. That’s where she hit a stone wall. She couldn’t find anyone to do it. She’d almost given up when she happened to drive past us one day and decided to stop in. We told her that we’d love to make her dreams come true.
We found a donor truck to give us the frame and running gear that was needed to do the job. Several days were spent stripping it to the frame and cleaning it until it looked brand new. Everything got painted to look new and resist rust.
All the components of the old truck that we used were moved to the new, and everything else was replaced, brakes, gears, gaskets for everything. When we were done it was basically a brand new 30 year old truck.